Weed Control
You’ve struggled to control weeds on your property for years, but time and time again you find yourself fighting a losing battle. No matter how many of them you pull or how often you mow them, they keep coming back. Keep your property looking good and let us manage the weeds. Regardless of the scale of your infestation and the terrain it’s on, we’ll ensure your property retains its value and weeds are kept in check. Our weed management is performed with a variety of equipment, ranging from backpack sprayers, ATV and UTV sprayers with small booms and handguns, and larger tractor-mounted boom sprayers. We incorporate weed mapping into our applications to ensure that technicians are efficient on site and control efforts are effective year-to-year. We are licensed by the Colorado Department of Agriculture to spray in the following categories: Rangeland, Forest, Agricultural, Industrial and Right of Way, and Ornamental.
Broadleaf noxious weeds are targeted throughout the growing season, cheatgrass and woody species are treated in the fall, and bare ground applications are made in the early spring and late fall. Herbicide selection will be determined by the weed species and desirable species present, and will be suitable (legally and environmentally) for the application site. Multiple years of herbicide applications will typically be necessary to gain control of weeds, although less and less work will be needed each year. Generally, the goal with herbicide applications is to target each species at their most vulnerable stage of growth with each treatment, but also to group the control of different species into as few site visits as possible to reduce costs. It is important that each weed species is not allowed to reach the stage of maturity where their seeds are dispersed. Our weed management services are typically tied into a long-term land management plan that focuses on promoting native or desirable plant species, which will suppress weeds by themselves in the long run.
We are fully insured and licensed by the Colorado Department of Agriculture to conduct pesticide applications in turf, ornamental plant, and agricultural/pastureland settings.